During 9 month, we worked with DOWiNO and the Paris Descartes University on a medical serious game.
Effic’asthme is available both on the Play store ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.parisdescartes.efficasthme ) and the App store ( https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/efficasthme/id1400814236?mt=8 ).
The app targets parents of children suffering from asthma to help them face asthma attacks. The app is based on and supported by a thesis of a PhD student in health David DRUMMOND. (Link to the thesis – in French )
Effic’asthme provides : a digital action planning to deal with asthma attacks, a small encyclopedia on asthma attacks, a diary, and a simulator with realistic medical behaviors and a screen debriefing the event.
In the rest of the article, I will explain the most important parts of Effic’asthme : the simulator.