Hey folks, today I’m glad to introduce you Hutch. This post follows my thoughts from a previous one. I was looking for the next tech for providing mobile, desktop and web games. Starling is great, but since Flash Player is dead again, its future is less brighten. I used Flambe in the past, and was pretty happy but today it isn’t supported anymore (though we’re waiting a long time announced update!).
Looking for a good cross-platform 2D engine
I looked the interesting series of blog post by Prime31 seeking for the best 2D game engine/platform. He finally choose MonoGame, but unfortunately for me it doesn’t export for the web. In his evaluation it meets many Haxe frameworks and LibGDX. Being not so much familiar with Java and with the death of RoboVM I don’t considered LibGDX as an option.
Concerning the Haxe libraries, my issue is still the same: there aren’t enough Native Extensions (except for Flambe which targets AIR) and the js minified is close to 1Mo.
On an other part, I enjoyed working with Pixi.js and Haxe thanks to this extremely well supported externs. Unfortunately, targeting mobile application with HTML5 is a nightmare. Cordova‘s performance aren’t really good and Cocoon is just an expensive black box…
So what was the solution?
Continue reading Meet Hutch the best friend of Starxi!